Love is....
finding out what each others goals and dreams are 
and helping them obtain that.
.Eleanor Roosevelt
Redstarr Entertainment Magazine was designed and created especially for talent in the entertainment, arts and film industries.
  Whether you are an author, artist, entertainer, movie producer, music producer, actor or dancer, or any other business or service, sign up now.
Our mission is to be a valuable teamplayer in helping to create as many success stories as we possibly can for our members.

Advertising Rates  /  News  /  Features

 This site was created to make promotions
 and marketing affordable.

Instead of paying huge prices for social media exposure, we offer a yearly membership to send out your press releases and/or news reports.  We keep you in the news.

 If you are in the business of wanting exposure, we are in the business of helping you get it.  

It's a huge bang for your buck!!!   A very small investment towards your goals.

Redstarr Entertainment Magazine keeps a firm finger 
on the pulse of what is going on in the industry, 
matching talent with opportunites as a bonus for creative members.

For more information, please call 502-650-0927 
and leave your name and contact information or
send us an e-mail
with your links, pictures, videos and contact information
and we will contact you for a telephone interview to discuss our new and exciting working relationship.

Website Pricing

  $200. per page to build, maintain 
and host your website,  
Custom packages and yearly contracts
are available.

To get 502-650-0927 
or send us an e-mail
with your links,  promotional pictures, videos and contact information
and we will contact you for a telephone interview to discuss our new and exciting working relationship.
We also offer

 individual marketing

packages for anyone

 who wants exposure

 with their company

 and/or product.

Thirty years of

marketing experience

 with eye catching

 promotions leads to

 being seen

and heard.

Advertising Rates:  Yearly Ad placements 
Custom Designed Packages

Banner Ads  

Contact us by phone for information about features and news submissions at
or send us an e-mail:

Submissions for consideration to be 
on The REM Creative Roster:

Send all submissions to:
Our Standard Membership dues 
are $500. per year 
(If you already have a website)

You will become a 
Redstarr Entertainment Magazine 
Roster member 
with your picture and link your site.

Our Premium Membership dues
 are $1500. per year.
(if you already have a website)

You will become a Redstarr Entertainment Magazine Roster member with your picture and link to your site.

With this package we will send your news out four times a month for a year.   You provide the content.

As new opportunities that match your goals are available, you will be the first to know.

Any placements of your work through our contacts will be negotiated at that time.
No matter what your goals and dreams are, we help you obtain the right group of people to ensure that happens.   

Our team is global and high powered in helping you find your niche in the entertainment industry.

Presentation is everything as we promote your specialty with class to be remembered.

Opportunities in every facet of the entertainment industry are available and we help you find them.

Online International Entertainment Magazine

How to get started after you join:

Send an e-mail to

Include your jpeg of logo or banner.

Be sure to include the link.

Make sure we have your contact information 

Within 24 hours you will be on your way to introducing your presentations internationally.